IB Design Tech

Extended Office hours Spring Break: 
Monday 4/13 and Tuesday 4/14, 8:30am - 9:30am. 

Best contact method > bwrede@sjusd.org

I will check every 15 minutes. If you wish for me to call leave your phone number.

Attention IB Design Students.  Your goal is to complete your design project.

Most of you are close with just a few pages left.  It is online as a Goog Doc so you can work from home.  The future of IB assessment for this class is unconfirmed however your grade for the class will be determined by successfully completing this project regardless of how things shake out with IB.

Bottom line is this - Do all you can to complete the design project. I will be looking for questions and concerns at bwrede@sjusd.org.   Below in purple is a recap of the check-sheet for the design projects.

Just do it!  -  Oh and wash your hands frequently. Be well and have a positive outlook.

>>>You have a Design Project to do.<<< 
(100 points and MOST of your IB Asssessment in this class)

HERE IS AN OUTLINE AND CHECKLIST TO FOLLOW.  You may have variations but use it to determine that you are not falling behind.

Use this as a progress checklist to create your project.

1  Cover sheet. 

1a Introduction and general description of what you are making and what it does. 

2  SHOW IT -  Show your product including labels and arrows that show what the parts do in detail. 

3  DO RESEARCH -   Show that you are the expert. Describe similar products and perhaps how yours is an advancement or new idea to solve an old problem.

4 MAKING IT - Describe your product's development. How would you make it? What materials/ supplies will be used.  FOCUS ON THE KEY CONCEPTS COVERED IN THE BOOK:
• Ergonomics and the human factor
• Is your invention sensitive to evironment and green design?
• What are production problems challenges?
• Will your design change and evolve with time and technology advancements.
• How is your invention good for/ helpful to humanity

5  ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT - How might you improve your invention.  Ask othe people.

6  CONCLUDE - Summarize what you've created and how it may be manufactured and how it will serve humanity.  Show it again.

Design Cycle - Apply it to your Design project

Links to design projects. Have a look.

Link 1

Link 2

Show what your project may look like.  Find other examples if possible.

How will you consider Anthropometrics regarding your project?

Describe your target market.


Friday 3/6
You have 4 more class sessions to complete the design project.  The 'Show ' part should be done and the research 2 to 4 pages should be done by the end of class today or you are behind.

>>>You have a Design Project to do.<<< 
(100 pointS and MOST of your IB Asssessment in this class)

HERE IS AN OUTLINE AND CHECKLIST TO FOLLOW.  You may have variations but use it to determine that you are not falling behind.

Use this as a progress checklist to create your project.

1  Cover sheet.  TODAY

1a Introduction and general description of what you are making and what it does. TODAY

2  SHOW IT -  Show your product including labels and arrows that show what the parts do in detail. TODAY

3  DO RESEARCH -   Show that you are the expert. Describe similar products and perhaps how yours is an advancement or new idea to solve an old problem.

4 MAKING IT - Describe your product's development. How would you make it? What materials/ supplies will be used.  FOCUS ON THE KEY CONCEPTS COVERED IN THE BOOK:
• Ergonomics and the human factor
• Is your invention sensitive to evironment and green design?
• What are production problems challenges?
• Will your design change and evolve with time and technology advancements.
• How is your invention good for/ helpful to humanity

5  ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT - How might you improve your invention.  Ask othe people.

6  CONCLUDE - Summarize what you've created and how it may be manufactured and how it will serve humanity.  Show it again.

Design Cycle - Apply it to your Design project

Links to design projects. Have a look.

Link 1

Link 2

Show what your project may look like.  Find other examples if possible.

How will you consider Anthropometrics regarding your project?

Describe your target market.


Write a short book report as a Google Doc. Write a paper on an invention of your choice. Pick something you find interesting or important.

600 words: Name, Title, three to five paragraphs, citation x4. (intro, conclusion and one to three paragraphs in the middle followed by informal citations.  What were your sources x4)

Type must be Times New Roman, 12 point, double line spaced.

A possible outline - What's it all about.


  • The person or company that invented the product
  • The invention itself: What is it, how is it used.What are the Drivers  for the invention (see ch 5 for vocab)
  • The process and challenges to create the product.
  • Any innovations or improvements, revised models that have been made and the timeline of this process.
  • The current state of the product in terms of consumer acceptance and value.
  • The future of the product (This is a great place for OPINION based on some information)


DUE end of class Friday.  You have 2 1/2 hours in-class time.  If you need more it's on you.

Chapter 5 supplementary handout

Solar Power Diagram
• List all parts
• describe what each part does       using complete sentences.

The link to inventions:  50 Iconic designs

Thursday 1/16

Now investigate the following inventions.   Select any two  inventions you find interesting  and answer the following questions for each:

  1. 1  Is it a collaborative invention or or the invention of an individual? 
  2. 2.  When was it invented?
  3. 3  Were there any obstacles or failures in the process?
  4. 4  In your opinion what is the value of the product and why was it a successful invention?
  5. 5  How would you improve the invention?

CLICK HERE to see the inventions.

What is a utopian city? Look up the definition for Utopia.  Find a site that is about a utopian city and have a look at it.  In a short pparagraph describe a utopian city - Your thoughts :)

Go to sketch-up and create 2 different 3D arrangements.  The idea is to work on some of the basic tools on your own. Try to challenge yourself and make it a bit complicated.  Screenshot each arrangement  shift,command 4 and share it with inboxroom83@gmail.com.



Tuesday 1/14
Read the follwing (The purple words):


Invention by lone inventors or in collaborative, creative teams is at the forefront of design. Designers must not only be creative and innovative, but also understand the concepts that will make a new product viable. A designer must use imagination and be firmly grounded in factual and procedural knowledge while remembering the needs and limitations of the end user.
Inventions are often the result of an individual or group’s curiosity about whether something can be done or a problem can be solved. On occasion, inventions are the result of an individual’s curiosity about something other than the product that they finally develop. These inventions include microwave ovens, ink-jet printers and Post-it® notes.

Invention is the process of discovering a principle which allows a technical advance in a particular field that results in a novel/new product.

Motivators for invention

 A few of the many reasons that drive invention are listed below
  • Personal motivation to invent. It could be out of personal interest (a tinkerer) or creative expression.
  • To assist people and make life better – like Mick Ebeling in the video above.
  • Constructive discontent – Not happy with an existing product, like Dyson in the video above.
  • To make money.
  • Inquisitive scientific or technical thinking.
  • Necessity – maybe a new and novel material is developed and so a new tool is needed.
Based on the information above (Purple) answer the following questions on the paper provided:

A.  What is the definition of Invention ____
B. List the six motivators _____

Now investigate the following inventions.   Select two A inventions and two B inventions  and write four or more sentences about each.  Include whether or not it is collaborative or by an individual. Also state what you believe the most likely motivators are for the invention.
CLICK HERE to see the inventions.

Describe and draw your own invention and state what the motivators are.  You may do this part as partners.

Wednesday 1/8
Get ready for G4 this Friday - Environmental Protection
1.  8:00 am to 8:00 pm  Mandatory, Required!
Point value of G4 assignment. 100 points
Make-up opportunity will be 3000 word essay representing 10 hours of work.

2. Please return permission slips by the end of the day on Thursday (Yes that's tomorrow)

3. In goups of 4-6 do the following:
•  Come up with a possible inquiry question:
example:  How can we  be encouraged to change our energy consumption from fossil fuels to wind and solar?

• Take the quiz.   https://tinyurl.com/G42020 Note all the largest human solutions in the solution column.
NOTE: You can do just one form but be sure to list everyone's name in the group.  Turn it in.

- end -

Friday 12/6
Review the questions for the final

CLICK HERE:  Write the names for  each major part of the 'Off Grid' solar system and give a one or two sentence description of what each part is or does.

    1 Solar Panel: It is a 123 watt photovoltaic cell solar panel that sends electricity to the charge controller.


Wednesday 12/4
Complete the worksheet ch2.1,2,3 supplementary

Write the url of an outstanding wind or solar energy site, not just an advertisement site, and then write one sentence of "discovered"  information. x2

URL is - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/wind-power/

Wind power produces no pollution and is FREE.  The drawback is that many people say wind turbines kill birds.


Monday 12/2

1 Draw the design cycle. Put your name on it and turn it in.  Keep in mind, you must be able to do this without looking for the final.  If you draw it like this it is correct.

2  Complete the worksheet Chapter 1 Supplementary.

3 Design an improved version of a school backpack.  Use paper
• Draw it
• Describe what the functional improvements are.
• Describe what the aesthetic improvements are.

Watch the following two videos with a partner at the computers.  Answer the questions on binder paper and turn into the sub.


1 What is another name for solar cell? PH--- -------.

2 What are solar cells made of?

3 What is another product other than electricity that we can derive from the sun's energy. (think cooking and showers)

4  What are two obvious advantages to solar power? It is inex--------- and p-------- free.

5 List the basic parts of the home made unit.

6 What is the difference in cost between the Yeti and the home made version?

Think back to last class.  Think about wind power.
7 Which is best wind, solar or both?  Why?  Please use no less than 4 complete sentences to answer this last question.

Wednesday 11/20
1 Read and Respond chapter 6.2 (handout )

2 Identify considerations for your utopian city.


Find an oldfashoined Farm windmill - Draw it.

Find a modern windmill - Draw it.
What is the main difference in terms of functionality between a farm windmill and a modern wind terbine? - Do a little research to get the answer.

Define carbon footprint.

Does solar and/ or wind energy factor into your reduction of a carbon footprint?  How?

Name two or more ways you will reduce the carbon footprint through the design of your city. Use at least one example other than the use of wind and solar power.


Monday 11/18

You will have a college presentation for the first half of the period.  Ms. Ballin will be in to see you.

For the second half of the period: Read 6.1 and answer these questions on paper.  Turn the paper into the sub.

IB Design Technology - 6.1 Characteristics of Classic Design

1 What is the essential idea?

2 How does Phaidon Design Classic define Classic Design?

3 What is the car that is considered a Design Classic in this chapter? Why is it a design classic?

4 What is planned obsolescence?

5 What very common German car was used as a military vehicle?

6 Under the sub-heading Ubiquitous/ Omnipresent Design, what is a key factor of design classic status?

7 Your own thoughts:
What is a modern car that you believe will become a classic?  Why?

8 Think about shoes: What are the qualities of shoes that give them mass acceptance? 
Consider the following:
  • Comfort
  • style/ design
  • The celebrities with which they are associated
  • Wide-spread acceptance
What shoes meet these criteria?  Will they be classics in the years to come?

9 Your thoughts:  If a classic item, like a car or shoes is replaced by an innovation that makes that
item obsolete is that item no longer a classic or does it remain a classic due to some emotional

10  List five or more classics (any catagory: cars, clothes, electronics etc.)


Thursday 11/14
1 Complete Chaper 5 review handout.

2 Introduction to Sketch-up  CLICK HERE

Tuesday 11/12
Read and Respond 5.6,7

A Utopian City Design
Watch the Vid,Vid Here, and answer the following questions.  Answer on the paper provided. Work as partners.


If 100 people form couples and each couple has 1 child, and then all the children form as couples and have 1 child, how many people will you have?

If 100 people form couples and each couple has  4 children, and those children form couples and have 4 children,  how many people will you have?


1  What can we do to control population?  How can people be convinced to control population?

2 How can we create cities where people (You) have no need to drive?
What will the city block look like?

3 List all the places you feel you must have a car to get to.  What can you do to change that?

4 What are the 7 princples of the Chinese government for for future city design?

Tuesday 11/5
A Bridge to your Green City
1 Read and respond 5.3 - Strategies for Innovation.

2 Read about bridge types and list the six bridge types CLICK HERE

.  Pick two to draw on theback of the page.
3 Build your triangles out of paper.  Attach the triangles to the triangle paper and staple the triangle paper to to the Read Respond paper.  That's what you turn in.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that in the (many days from now) you will build a Green City so you must practice your Paper Building Skills.


Monday 10/28
Read and respond , 4.3,4 Scale of production and manufacturing

Find and photograph 2 products made by an additive process and 2 by a subtractive process.  Photograph them. Put the photos on a goog doc. and turn in as last-first, last-first-production-10-28. Share it at inboxroom83@gmail.com.

Write a list of qualities that your Utopian (green)  community has.  Name your community.

Thursday 10/24
Read and respond. chapter 4.2f Compsoites.

Work sheet "What if it was made out of"

Draw the popcicle stick suspension bridge. A prize for the sturdiest (holds the most weight). A prize for the most aesthetically pleasing.

Tuesday 10/22
Green City 

1 What is a Green City? (No less than 3 compplete sentences)

2 Draw a Green City

Friday 10/18
On paper, please complete the following review of IB Design Technology chapters 1-3.

chapter 1.1b
1 List six environmental conditions that might effect us.
chapter 2.1 
2 What is meant by recycling? Give an example
3 Which electrical current is best suited for wide distribution?
4 Which electrical current is best suited for battery storage?
5 Who was credited for the efficient and safe means of AC transmission?
chapter 2.4
6 What are The Drivers for cleaning up manufacturing?
chapter 2.5 
7 What is Green Legislation?
chapter 2.6
8 What are the key LCA stages? (There are four and the first is raw material)
Chapter 3.2
9 What kind of graphical modeling requires only paper and pencil?
chapter 3.3
10 What is the goal of an aesthetic model?
chapter 3.4
11 What is the goal of an aesthetic model?

Your own thoughts and words (Use the back side of the same piece of paper please)

Write one good paragraph, no less than 4 sentences, answering the following question. Please write neatly and use well written complete sentences.

What must designers consider when designing products?  Here are some key phrases to lubricate the brain :)
•  relationship between person and product
• energy cost
• green design
• environmental impact.

Monday 10/14

The reading is 4.2a.  Answer the questions on the handout to be collected by Mr. Meister.

Do the Analyze and Revise page in your group design cycle booklet the following way:
• On blank paper each individual will describe a change or addition to the furniture.  Be sure to use complete sentences in your description.  (Example: The chair needs a curved back as a lumbar support or The chair will come in three bright colors and will have a matching foot rest. )
• On the same sheet of paper draw the revision or improvement. (example:  You actually draw the chair in three different colors with a foot-rest.)
• Now join together in your groups and decide which revision ideas are best. Describe and draw that revision idea in the Design Cycle Booklet.

Leave the individual descriptions and drawings, and the Design Cycle Booklet with the teacher at the end of the period.


Tuesday 10/8
What is the video about?

Re-write all Essential Ideas for Chapters 1-3.  There are twelve.Use complete sentences and label them like this: 1.1a,  2.1,  2.2 etc.

Make your popsicle creations.  When you are done photograph it and include a photo in your Design Cycle log.

Monday 9/23
1 Read and respond Chapter 3.3 - Pysical Modeling.

2 (groups)  Start building your chair from popsicle sticks.

3 Pick one or two people to design, for the purpose of showing your idea to others, your chair in Goog Sketch-up  CLICK HERE

Tuesday 9/17
Today  - Conceptual modeling

Watch video

Do written work Chapter 3.1

Define groups

Try making something with popsicle sticks (groups)
Monday 10/14
Reading is

Analysis: Plan to revise or improve your product.
How?  I thought you'd never ask.

Wednesday 9/11
Reading  is 2.4 and 2.5 on Clean Technology and Green Design. Answer the questions.

The basics of the design cycle are

  • Brainstorming and gathering information
  • Making preliminary plans and drawings
  • Making the product
  • Analyzing and revising the product
  • Re-making  the product

You will make a chair working in groups. You must show clear documented evidence of having gone through all stages of the design cycle to come up with your product.
100 points
Due September 27 at the end of class.

Start by collecting no fewer than 10 very different chairs in a folder on the computer and write at least 1 sentence describing a quality either good or bad for each.

Monday 9/9
Today's reading is about energy distribution and the development of batteries pages 25 - 37.

Go to this link CLICK HERE . As you read, answer the questions on a piece of paper to be turned into the sub at the end of the period.  You don't have to copy the questions but number the answers and write using complete sentences.

On the back side of the piece of paper, take about 15 minutes and redesign the cell phone in a way that focuses on its aesthetic qualities.  What does aesthetic mean?  Look it up :)


Tuesday 8/27
Short video about the psychology of design.

Designers consider three human factors: Anthropometry, psychological factors and physiological factors.

Anthropometry is the study of human body properties such as height, mass and volume. Example: In order to build doors we must know the height of human beings.

Read 1b and answer the questions:

1. List six environmental conditions that might effect us:

2. List the senses that might be part of a users experience:
Sight, h__, t__, t__, sm__.

3. Copy the flowchart figure 1.1b.2

4. User responses to environmental factors.  
Research shows that employees that are dissatisfied with their work environment are ___ ___.

5. Is the gathering of psychological factor data precise?  In your own word describe why or why not.

Arrange the chairs, we will do 3 or 4 designs.
  • Which is best?
  • Why?
  • How does it make you feel?

Friday 8/23  - http://www.ruthtrumpold.id.au/destech/

Read pages 1-6 of Design Technology
Answer the following questions. Use complete sentences.

  1. Define Anthropometrics.

2. What is Primary Data?

3. Why is Sierra Sam the crash dummy a bad idea?

4. What replaced Sierra Samm the crash dummy?

5. Explain Designing for adjustability.

6. List 6 different things that would require anthropometric data to design and use an example as to why. 
Example: Antropometric data would be used to design baseball caps because caps must fit the human head. Also the adjustable band will adjust to accommodate the variation in the size of the human head.

Break into groups of five or six
Collect Anthropometric Data
Measure each member of the group using the wall, blue tape and a ruler.
Record your data on paper. 
Determine the mean average.

Answer:  Would you design a product, say a pair of pants to accommodate the mean average?

Why or why not? ______

We will have a class discussion.